Hi, I'm Samurai and I study Karate and love to watch tv and read books.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Question On Monday

Although Wednesday is question day, I decided to was a question today

What can you not live without? And what can you live without? Ideally, we should live with less and be able to have more of ourselves. But this isn't true. Just think.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Yay! I feel so accomplished! I got 500 views! I should totally host a celebration.

Kidding aside, it took awhile to get these 500 views, I'm sure that soon enough, I will be seeing 1,000 views. And in another blink of a eye, 1,000,000 views.

With that, Samurai says: "Cherish the good. It is your good fortune to have it. Cherish the bad. You'll learn from it."

Friday, July 26, 2013

Lax Early, Suffer Late

Black belt conditioning is quite difficult. It occurred to me yesterday how the senseis do not push the lower ranks hard enough. But then, at ikkyu, we get poked to death with preparations and conditioning and such. Or maybe it's just me. Since sensei Leo constantly singles me out and yells at me. No one else is always constantly under hot water .

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Outside In and Inside Out

It's interesting that different styles will name blocks differently. In the style that I study, the name for middle outside block is middle inside block. And the same reverse applies to middle inside block. It's strange. One is named from where the block orginates. And in other styles, the block is named after which side it blocks.

Then, a kick of my interest lately has been front inside kick and front outside kick. It's a fusion between a front snap kick and a front cresent kick. The leg kicks like a standard front kick. But the foot curves/points inward or outward depending on the kick. This kick is quite fancy in my opnion.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Finished Watching: Palace (2011)

I always have this feeling of sadness after finishing a drama. This is no exception. 

It's quite amazing that in the whole story, there was a point where a character was falling short of my expectations. Each one did something despicable or idiot headed. There has been no exceptions.  So, I can say that Qing Chuan did mature. The biggest surprise in this drama would have to be Consort Liang. She was also a person that had to unfortunately get sent to the past. At the first few meetings, I thought she was the rare nice people. Then, she became a bitch toward Qing Chuan because she wanted her son, the eighth prince, to marry someone of a high rank. Consort Liang changed her mind because she saw that she couldn't change her son's unwavering love towards Qing Chuan. And I guess the thing that drove Liang to throw her full support was when she found out that QC was also from the future. So, we know that she was successfully able to go back to the future. My question though, is how is her life back in her correct era? Since it only tells us of what happened to QC and 8th. So, yeah, this is a spoiler, but, QC and 8th, both get reunited at the end. I'd say that without a doubt, Consort Liang is my favorite character. 

Then, there is the whole 4th Prince gang. Composed of Longkedo, Su Yan, Jin Zhi, Xiao Chun (also known as Nian Gang Yao after accidentally being mistaken for the real dude. That I'll explain in a bit.) The whole group is working to make 4th be Emperor. They succeded, of course, because QC didn't try to change history and make 8th or 14th become a prince. Su Yan's pretty clever. You could say, because of her in the drama , 4th became emperor. Also, you could say it's her fault that Concubine Xi got killed. And she was the one who causes Xiao Chun to be against 8th Prince over the death of his mother. So, Su Ryan exploits that to make him her chess piece. Then, there's poor Jin Zhi. She committed suicide because she was blackmailed to kill herself to save her 4th Prince. Jin Zhi, is quite a selfish person who doesn't want any other woman sharing her prince husband. I don't blame her endless love, but still.... All the annoyances that she caused. Long Ke Duo is the loyal minister to 4th and also the father to his illegitimate daughter, Jin Zhi. 

8th's camp would be the biggest resistance against 4th's crew. Sadly, for them, they were unsuccessful. 8th, 9th, and 10th suffered at the end. I pity those three. 

All in all, this drama was a bit cheezy and doesn't come up to par with Scarlet Heart(aka Bu Bu Jing Xin). All I can say that this drama was way happier than Scarlet Heart. This drama passed, because it at least was decent enough to keep my attention from wavering. 

Rate: 6/10

Friday, July 19, 2013


Question: How can you keep people from unnecessary chattering?

I'd like to know this answer. It would make my life more peaceful.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Currently Watching: Palace

Palace (2011) - Mainland China - (also known as Gong; Jade Palace: Lockheart.)

This drama is very irritating to no end. Ugh. For the first 12 episodes, I have to say, I am very disappointed if not very much on the verge of going to give the main character, Qing Chuan, a good hundred beatings with a pole like they did in the old days. Qing Chuan is so naive and impolite. Her guard is constantly down at all times, making her easy pickings. It's more unfortunate for her, because she has caught the attention of various concubines and princes, even the Emperor himself. It's been pointed out, time and time again, that whenever you have a better standing, someone will be jealous and try to harm you. So, the multitude of evil bitches constantly harass Qing Chuan. One for example is Xin Lian; the actress played Ling Long in Female Prime minister, Ling Long was wayyyy nicer; she and her crew always try to get rid of Qing Chuan, but, every time fail or at least don't get what they expected. So Qing Chuan is so lucky. She should use her friendships with the princes to get rid of this vile girl and her entourage. This Xin Lian needs to get her eyes stabbed out with some wires and slowly die by a thousand cuts...  I hope her person improves later on... (I doubt it.) Qing Chuan constantly stutters with "wait... no.... heyyy... ect" instead of saying what she needs to say. If she would stop the time wasting statements, she'd save herself from so many problems. Then, there's the whole princes problem. Three (at this point,but later I think it's supposed to be more.) Princes ( second, fourth, eighth) all like her, and she doesn't like any of them, yet they constantly insist on pestering her with their love. I don't know if Qing Chuan isn't making herself clear enough, or the Princes have stone ears. She says she doesn't want any of them a billion times in each episode.  Then, Ninth and Tenth Princes are also two mud brains who think they are doing good for their brother Eighth, but, they don't seem to understand any thing at all. After my rant, I have to say that all the characters in the story are idiots. Or they will be by the end of the drama...

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Someday, I wish to learn Fencing or Iaido (I had trouble spelling that.) Sword fighting seems very intriguing and powerful. It's a mystical force of the ancients. As, no one uses swords anymore. Fencing seems very graceful. I am not a graceful person. So, in learning this, I shall be able to move more fluidly instead of my usual stop and go motions. Sword making in itself is a art of its own. Each one has its own subtle signature. Fencing looks as if it cannot kill people. I'm sure it can. But, the image that it gives is of people poking each other with the fencing foil. I shall one day learn these arts and understand their true nature.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Outside Class

I know what would make for a interesting class. We should have class outside. Not that it's new idea, but it would make for an unique lesson. The ground outside isn't flat and smooth like the hardwood floors of the dojo. We could try having class on the lawn. One thing that suprises me about lawns is that grass is very uncomfortable to walk and lay on compared to the movies. Grass stains green. So, more dirty feet. This, is also assuming that we're having class on a sunny day. Not a rainy or windy one or a class when it's getting dark. So many variables, so many experiences, so many things account for and learn. I totally forgot about shoes. Hmm. Something for all of you to ponder.

How would it be like to have a class that's not at your home dojo?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I'm hungry. Lately, I haven't been eating much at all. I don't know why though. It's so strange. As a martial artist, you must have a balanced and nutritious diet, just like any other athlete. But, I'm not eating at all. I should go see a doctor.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sensei Responsibility

Sensei are responsible for their students. If there are classes missed, students must be notified beforehand. Also, if possible, the missed classes should be made up for. Furthermore, if the sensei(s) miss two or more classes in a row. How do they expect the students to have good attendance? How do they expect their dojo to look good to the newcomers? The answer: it absolutely shouldn't be tolerated.

Sorry. Just a random rant since the last three classes, the sensei and senpais were not present. I know it's not their fault that there was a holiday and that they have full time jobs that must be put as a first over holding class. But still. Three classes in a row.

Then, there are the students who disappear and reappear all the time. Or the students who only attend class once a week. I'm one of those folks, unfortunately. I must work to not miss class.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Midterm and No class

Today, I have a midterm for summer courses. It's crazy that in high school and college tests and projects and exams have a higher weight than the homework and class work. So if you aren't a good test taker, you're bound to fail.

It's a holiday tomorrow, so there's no class. It's a bit ridiculous to think that if there is a holiday,  that it means you don't have to practice. You must practice regardless of holidays.

Question: Is it better to have more new students in a dojo or more students who understand martial arts?

Enjoy the Fourth of July!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Meditation. I admit to falling asleep during mediation. It's not that I mean to, of course. It just shows my short concentration span. And how peaceful mediation can be. I'm not a person who can fall asleep easily. Meditation is always helpful in bringing calm whenever stressed. I should do more meditiation. In my dojo, we rarely ever do meditation. One of the signs of lacking a traditional dojo.

What is traditional? There is no true traditional dojo. I suppose the better term to use is old fashioned. That sounds impolite. Uhm, maybe less contemorary? Then, that would be traditonal. Even the most "traditional" dojo will have something that doesn't fit the template dojo idea.

Oh, and by the way, this is the 50th blog post, for anyone that cares.