Hi, I'm Samurai and I study Karate and love to watch tv and read books.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I spend way too much time on stumbleupon. But it's I so addicting. And I actually do learn stuff. Like how to get a better score on my AP test. Or how xyz book has changed the world. That type of things. So yes, most things aren't really applicable to 99% of life, but that one time is good enough. Now I should really go do my homework.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Winter Complacency

Sigh. For the last two weeks. There was been no karate practice. And I've only spent 15 minutes practicing during these two weeks. So, I haven't had any exercise at all. Except for a few strolls around the mall... Ugh. I'm getting fat. I'm not going to perform too well in tomorrow's class. The first class of 2014.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Years

2014. Another year has passed. Time goes by faster and faster as you age.

On the bright side, I hope everyone has a happy year.

Remembering Katas

In some ways, recalling things that you've only seen or practiced once can be the most difficult thing ever.

As in my case, I can't remember how to do Itosu Lohai (Rohai) Shodan. Well, at least a specific part of it. YouTube videos are not helpful in jogging my memory because the kata shown is different than what we do in our dojo. So I'm figuratively pulling my hair out trying to remember what the move is. I guess it's normal not to remember since we practiced this kata for half a class two weeks ago for the first time. But I was so confident I could remember. And now, I'm stressing over forgetting the kata.

Are there any good methods for remembering forgotten things?