Hi, I'm Samurai and I study Karate and love to watch tv and read books.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Is USSD a scam?

USSD, also known as the United Studios of Self Defense, is probably one of the most well known chain dojos around.

If nothing else raises a red flag, that the head instructor, Mr. Villari, has a 12th Dan which is impossible. Or at least rare. Because 10th Dan is the highest possible rank in most martial arts. And are usually give to people older than 60 years old. For a lot of grandmasters, the rank will be given maybe less than ten years before they die. Or even posthumously. I can't find out how old Villari is, but if Sensei Cerio died in 1988 and Mr. Chow died in 1987, we can assume that Villiari can't be older than 60. On a side note, Chow did have a 15th degree black belt by the time he died. So, an influence maybe? A seventy plus year old with a 15th degree black belt... I honestly give up on this.

Another thing, now that I'm nitpicking, is that, in the pictures, I've seen quite a few kids with incorrect fists. Maybe it's the style, I don't know. But their thumbs will get caught in something and break.

SHODANS AND NIDANS BEING SENIOR INSTRUCTORS... *SIGH* Now, this, is just simply the USSD spreading out their influence by getting any possible person just to start a new school... Sigh again.

Though their DVDs and Student Manual seems so wonderful. *sarcastic spaz* All joking aside, they seem useful to the students as memory aids. So, I'd like some of that instruction material please. But I won't pay that astronomical amount.

Okay. Enough ranting. McDojos exist everywhere.

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