Hi, I'm Samurai and I study Karate and love to watch tv and read books.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

School Should Be This Way

I don't think my idea is revolutionary, but it would be interesting. School should be four weeks long, then a two week break. Then repeat.

For all the teachers and professors, it would allow them to teach things in one block at a time. There would be no odd weeks with only one or two days. So, it would be more convenient.

As for the breaks, having too long of a break can be boring for students. Also, two weeks is enough for everyone to recharge.

This method would result in less school days per year for some districts. But it would allow for schools to have major off site trips for the students without the hassle of missing class.

It sounds great. I don't know how it would actually work. But it isn't bad of an idea. The current way that school is set up revolves around the old planting and harvesting schedules. Most families don't live on farms anymore. So why not be modern?

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