Hi, I'm Samurai and I study Karate and love to watch tv and read books.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Robin Hood (2006)

This BBC series is pretty good. I've watched the first episode. And half of two others.

I do have to say, I'm not surprised about the series ending. Yep. I spoiled it for myself. Unfortunately.

More thoughts later if I decide to watch more.

Rate: 7.1/10

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ranger's Apprentice : The Royal Ranger

Today, when I went to the book store, I saw this book. Unfortunately, this book is the last of the Ranger's Apprentice series. For four years, I have followed Will and his journey. I'm sad that it has ended.

At this point in book 12, Will is about fourty years old. Since he became an apprentice at 15, then the 5-ish years as an apprentice (Since the whole kidnapping thing in books two, three, and four took about a year.) After that, maybe 2-5 years were spent in books 5,6,8,9,10 and 11. Of course, then comes along Maddie. Who is 15 years old at the begginging of book 12.

I'm surprised that Halt, Pauline and King Duncan are still alive. Because they would be older than 70 years old. Crowley already died, and Duncan's clearly on his way.

I think the most tragic thing of all is that Alyss dies. Her selfless act leaves her husband of 15 years alone.

I suppose Will does feel closure when he kills Ruhl. Ruhl did kill his wife, and a friend of his, Liam. I kinda wished that his death would have been more epic than just being set on fire.

Good for Maddie to grow up. The thing I wonder most is that if she will decide not to be Queen. But instead remain a Ranger. I mean, that is likely. I wonder how Cassandra and Horace would deal. Well looks like they're going to be busy making another kid. And they better hurry because they're also in their forties. I guess, they may have to adopt?

Rate: 9.1/10

So lovely of a book.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

$2 Bill

Hey guys. In case you didn't know. There's such thing as a $2 bill. It has a Picture of President Jefferson on it.

Friday, November 8, 2013

More Manners

Please people. Courtesy is key. I'd rather have a million people constantly apologizing than one person being rude once.

  • Don't throw the stuff that someone kindly gave to onto the floor and walk away. Please. You've ruined their good will.
  • When people talk to you, please respond. Even a grunt to show that you're listening would be appreciated.
  • When asked to do something go do it.
  • If you need/want someone to do something, please directly ask them to do it. Don't yell commands halfway across the room. 
  • Please don't butt into conversations that are not yours.
  • Please watch your language. 
I guess that's all I have to say for today.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Samurai Returns

Hi. I'm back. I apologize for my absence again. The internet was down at my house up until now. So, I couldn't do much. I do have my phone, but it has such terrible 4G service, so there's no point in trying to use my phone.

It's amazing how we are so dependent on things, like the internet.

What can you not survive without?